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Discover how to harness healing energies to facilitate your own healing

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Everything You Need to enhance your personal healing journey


Crystal Energy Healing

Crystal healing is a gentle, beautiful healing using the power of the crystals, sound healing bowl and healing energy. 30+ crystals are placed on the body to empower the energy. Nicole uses a beautiful sound healing bowl to send you into a mediative state, then sends loving healing energy to any parts of your body and life that is imbalanced or blocked.



Usui Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word, “Rei” meaning Universe, and “Ki” meaning Energy.

Reiki is an ancient form of hands-on energy healing that was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui – Hence the name “Usui method of Natural Healing”.

As we go through life, we may develop blocks that prevent the energy flowing through us in an optimum way. If this goes on for a long period of time, we become emotionally drained or even physically ill. Some symptoms such as fatigue and depression can occur as our energy becomes imbalanced.


Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
Treats symptoms as well as causes of disease
promotes spiritual
Each healing experience is unique to the individual. After an energy healing treatment, most people report a sense of calm and peace. Other responses include:

Reduced physical pain
Increased vitality
Balancing of the emotions
Increased mental clarity
Greater inner awareness and disconnected growth



Distance Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word, “Rei” meaning Universe, and “Ki” meaning Energy.

Reiki is an ancient form of hands-on energy healing that was rediscovered in the nineteenth century by Dr. Mikao Usui – Hence the name “Usui method of Natural Healing”.

As we go through life, we may develop blocks that prevent the energy flowing through us in an optimum way. If this goes on for a long period of time, we become emotionally drained or even physically ill. Some symptoms such as fatigue and depression can occur as our energy becomes imbalanced.


Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Releases blocks and suppressed feelings
Treats symptoms as well as causes of disease
Strengthens immune system
Balances organs and glands, and their bodily functions
Clears toxins
Relieves pain
Enhances personal awareness and promotes spiritual
Each healing experience is unique to the individual. After an energy healing treatment, most people report a sense of calm and peace. Other responses include:

Reduced physical pain
Increased vitality

Distance Reiki is truly a beautiful gift. Even if you’re separated from your loved ones, or a past recipient contacts you when you’re away, you can still provide a Reiki treatment that’s just as effective.

Reiki is always received the way that is right for the recipient. While they might request to receive Reiki when they are home from work, when relaxing or sitting down, this isn’t necessary. Distance Reiki can be sent and received at any time. 


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