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Florida Water in all Levels of Spirituality

This is my go to for setting energy straight and sending all that drama far far away!

Florida Water works a lot like white sage in that it cleanses the air and shifts the vibe wherever your use it. The advantages though, is that it's low-key enough that even the most vocal naysayers won't know to stifle your zen when you break it out.

Florida Water is popular among South American shaman, where it is believed the plant spirits of the Amazon love sweet-smelling perfumes. Thus, one way to achieve protection from malevolent spirits is to wear sweet scents and perfumes such as Florida water as a guard against evil. Shaman will often supercharge their Florida water by adding chopped camphor, tobacco and other botanicals and drink it to achieve perfumed breathe that allows them to blow upon inflictions and remove them.

In Hoodoo, Florida Water is used in spiritual cleansing and home protection. It can be worn on the body, used as an ingredient in magical works or by itself as a cologne, put in the bath water and misted in the environment to purify it. In fact, there are so many ways Florida Water can be used it is no wonder it remains a favourite spiritual water among practitioners.

Florida Water tapped into centuries-old traditions in which manufactured scented spirits were not distinguished from natural medicinal waters. A fourteenth-century legend, for example, held that Hungary Water restored the maidenly beauty of the Hungarian Queen.

Here are some other uses for Florida Water to enhance your everyday:

Bathe your crystals and jewelry in diluted Florida Water to cleanse them.

Add a few drops to a bath for purification and protection.

Wash your kitchen floors with Florida Water to cleanse negative energy and to ensure your cabinets will always have food.

Wear a few drops as a cologne to keep negativity away from you.

Dab a little on bug bites to help ease the itching.

Mix a little with your inks when writing spells to increase their power.

Spray Florida Water mist into the air to dispel depression and stress.

Place a bowl on your altar as an offering to your ancestral spirits and to invite their guidance into your spiritual work.

Wash bedding in a cup of Florida Water to help prevent nightmares.

Use as an offering in the cemetery for your ancestors.

Put a small amount in an offering bowl as an offering to your spirit guides or angels.

Use it to wipe down your altar tools to cleanse and bless them.

Mix with basil and cinnamon and anoint your doors and windows to bless your home and keep you safe.

Place small bowls of Florida Water in your home in the corners of the room. This will help to ward off any negative energy and help your home’s chi moving well.

Rinse pendulums after use to cleanse them.

Put Florida Water, mugwort and sea salt in a bowl under your bed for pleasant dreams.

Rinse your hands with Florida Water after being around negative people or being in a negative environment.

Place a bowl of Florida Water with a piece of rose quartz for a kitchen blessing.

Add a little to a dark bowl and then fill with water. You can use this for water scrying.

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